[TimorLesteStudies] Call for Papers UNTL academic Journal

Alessandro B. alessandro_arb at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 18 16:43:07 AEDT 2020





Callfor Papers

The DiálogosJournal (ISSN 2520-5927) is an annual publication of the Faculty of Philosophyand Human Sciences of the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), and isaimed at being a platform for the production and sharing of knowledge,stimulating approaches that contemplate the diversity of worldviews, reflection,experience exchange and the in-depth discussion of issues relevant to society.

For the 2021edition (n. 6, year 6), the journal brings the theme "MEMORY, ORALITY AND WRITING”. You can read or download the previouseditions at: http://www.untl.edu.tl/pt/ensino/faculdades/filosofia (once thereclick on the link Revista Diálogos).

We invite all researchers interested in the subject tosend their work. For this edition, articles are expected to contemplatesubjects such as: historiography; history,orality and memory; the influence of orality on writing; oralhistory; manifestations/practices of writing (academic, journalistic, social media,literature, etc.); research methods on oral history; transmissionof oral and written knowledge; Power relations; orality, writing and the organizationof thought; history and development of writing; social impacts of writing, amongothers.

Publishingguidelines follow:

a) Thejournal follows the APA standards;

b) We acceptarticles in Tetun, Portuguese and English;

c) Articlesshould be written in Times New Roman, font 12, spacing 1,5, contain a minimum4000 words and maximum of 8000 words;

d)Submissions can be sent until June 15, 2021 to the emaildialogos_ffchuntl at yahoo.com


For anyclarifications and further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Alessandro Boarccaech

Editor of Diálogos Journal

E-mail: alessandro_arb at yahoo.com


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