[TimorLesteStudies] New Articles, Book Chapters & Dissertations (December 2019)

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Mon Jan 6 16:20:16 AEDT 2020


Damian Grenfell. 2018. Justice within the National Imaginary: Civil society and societal transition in Timor-Leste' in Kent, L. and J. Wallis (eds), Transitional Justice and Civil Society in Asia and the Pacific, ANU Press, Canberra. http://doi.org/10.22459/CSTJAP.2019

Lia Kent. 2018. Rethinking 'civil society' and 'victim-centred' transitional justice in Timor-Leste in Kent, L. and J. Wallis (eds), Transitional Justice and Civil Society in Asia and the Pacific, ANU Press, Canberra. http://doi.org/10.22459/CSTJAP.2019

Jiaying Fang. 2019. A Comparative Study of Portuguese Colonial Architecture: a Case Study of East Timor and Macau. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 368: 235-244 http://scholar.google.com.au/scholar_url?url=https://download.atlantis-press.com/article/125923398.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&d=14849415648932105855&scisig=AAGBfm0mV_EVwwlMsxuyFHLT2N_oyqpL1A&nossl=1&oi=scholaralrt&hist=13O6fdEAAAAJ:13284293487812193741:AAGBfm3t4I0JjUR1MAJf_V4PYMXFJRZigQ

Melkiades Laot. 2019. The implementation of the joint development of Greater Sunrise Special Regime under the 2018 Timor Sea maritime boundaries treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia. Master of Science Dissertation, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden https://commons.wmu.se/all_dissertations/1155

Yohana Alexandria Mesquita and Romeu Marques Daçi. 2019. Government Budget, Policy, and Compensation System: Analysis of Sustainability Budget for Veterans - Case Study on MSS-DNACLN, Dili Timor-Leste. International Journal of Recent Academic Research 1(6): 265-275 http://journalijrar.com/sites/default/files/issues-pdf/IJRAR-0305.pdf

Clare Q. Smith. 2019. Liberal and Illiberal Peace-building in East Timor and Papua: Establishing Order in a Democratising State. Conflict, Security and Development. 20(1). https://pure.york.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/liberal-and-illiberal-peacebuilding-in-east-timor-and-papua(af95ac96-656a-4d6a-9cc0-84896c1e8aa8).html

Victoria Araujo de Almeida, Hermien Tridayanti, Mochammad Arif. 2019. The Effect of Leadership Style and Work Environment on Employee Performance of BNCTL Branch Banks (Banco Nacional De Comercio De Timor-Leste). International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development 3(1): 70-76 https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/ijebd/article/view/951


Shayla Ribeiro. 2019. Leadership at the Primary School Level in Post-Conflict Timor-Leste: A Study of the Historical Background, Recent Developments and Current Concerns of School Leaders. PhD Thesis, University of Western Australia. https://api.research-repository.uwa.edu.au/portalfiles/portal/60839574/THESIS_DOCTOR_OF_PHILOSOPHY_RIBEIRO_Shayla_Maria_Babo_2019.pdf

Sebastião Pereira, Ilidio Ximenes Moreira, Lucinda Marques. 2019. Impact of Parent Education Level on Student Learning Achievement in Catholic Secondary School in Turiscai. Journal of Innovative Studies on Character and Education 3(2): 219-226 http://www.iscjournal.com/index.php/isce/article/view/63

Laura J Ogden. 2019. 'From Policy to Practice:  How Context and Contestation Shape the Implementation of Timor-Leste's Language Education Curriculum' in Peter Mickan and Ilona Wallace  (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design, Abingdon: Routledge  https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=seLFDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT41&ots=oGLLvr5WQO&sig=8dlzrgb-QbPS_gxNdpBtdac2zSw#v=onepage&q&f=false

Professor Michael Leach
Politics and International Relations
Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC
Phone: +61 3 9214 5357
New book (now available in paperback): https://www.routledge.com/Nation-Building-and-National-Identity-in-Timor-Leste/Leach/p/book/9780367025243

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