[LINK] IIA "National Broadband Targets 2010" report

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Thu Aug 3 11:57:43 AEST 2006

At 10:21 AM 3/08/2006, steve jenkin wrote:

>Right now I think providing 20+Mbps into houses will enable a cable-TV
>replacement.  Aggregate head-end capacity to low - a few Gbps.
>People will purchase a their own PVR's to handle time shifting and
>non-sequential viewing.
>And maybe 1 in 1000 household will want to pay for premium content not
>normally streamed - or 10-20kbps/connection extra for the head-end(s)
>and the network.  Not a high load - and very profitable.

I'm on one of the whirlpool discussion forums for my bb ISP. The screaming 
there about poor p2p performance is deafening. I raised a topic of illegal 
downloading and got shoved out of the ISP forum and into the p2p forum. It 
made the top 25 list of most read threads in all of whirlpool. So there is 
interest in the topic. But I don't think the cut-backs is because of some 
moral compass by the ISP, but more a matter of bandwidth balancing to 
higher priority services, and in this case most likely p2p is getting put 
lower on the food chain in comparison to http, ftp and voip, which I 
applaud.  As long as service providers are being strangled by bit-hog p2p 
services, then this screaming will continue. [and yes, I know it's a method 
for open source code distribution, but the morons complaining aren't 
exactly open source officionados!]

And as more and more people sign up for bb, expecting video, audio, voip, 
etc. on demand, then the tighter the capacity will become. It's sad to hear 
the stories about the price points o/s and the limits we face here. And 
yes, I realise there are geographic differences here, but come on, we are 
one of the most urbanised countries in the world!

[too many subtopics in that message; even my head is spinning]


Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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