[LINK] Surveillance in extremis

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Mon Aug 28 19:26:26 AEST 2006

On 2006 Aug 28, at 6:09 PM, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> Kim Holburn wrote:
>> That said this is rubbish bins for goodness sake.  Does it really  
>> matter?  What's the worst case scenario here?  Someone in the  
>> council could weigh your rubbish?
> The bigger problem is the bin that is tagged to you ending up in  
> the next street, but you still being tagged with overweight/ 
> contamination/whatever.  This is liable to be a major problem in  
> stratas and condos.

I have a relative who regularly gets her bin stolen.  If the bin  
truck has GPS it could figure out that the bin was in the wrong  
street or at the wrong address.  That'd be a plus wouldn't it?

I can't see that the council could ever base any kind of legal action  
of the contents of an RFID tagged bin.  There simnply is not enough  
legal proof of ownership of the contents.


Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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