[LINK] Leave on, or turn off?
Frank O'Connor
foconnor at ozemail.com.au
Fri Dec 1 17:10:57 AEDT 2006
For me it depends on the OS.
With my Windows boxen I turn the puppies off. Reason? Windows memory
management and stability isn't as good as LINUX and MacOS (although
XP is a big improvement on older variants), memory fragmentation
seems to occur, and some virtual memory limitations mean that caches
can corrupt with prolonged use.
With my Mac boxen ... I have no problems leaving the puppies on or
off. Same with my LINUX box.
On the hardware side ... it's a line ball call as to whether they
should be on or off. Strain on the moving parts (disks, fans et alia)
can result from frequent starting up ... on little numbers like disk
spindles and gearing but IC's and chips are unlikely to fail nowadays
simply because of being powered up. Ditto for screens ... burn in and
the like became a 'thing of the past' a few years back (although the
truly paranoid still use screensavers).
At 11:22 AM +1100 on 30/11/06 you wrote:
>Has anyone got a reference to a real bit of reliable research which says
>whether it is better to turn a computer off at night, or leave it on 24/7
>(disregarding energy consumption) ?
>I guess the question resolves into
>a) the electronics, and
>b) hard-disk-bearing wear.
>I've got plenty of so-called 'expert' opinion (mostly in favour of leaving
>computers on), but this seems essentially to be anecdotal only.
>Someone, at some time (ie US government departments or the army) must have
>done a systematic test, surely!
>Stewart Fist, writer, journalist, film-maker
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