[LINK] White pages broken? Is it just me?

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Mon Dec 4 14:45:31 AEDT 2006

Loads for me (Safari 2.0.4, Firefox 2.0 on Mac; IE 7.0.2, Firefox 2.0  
Win XP)


On 04/12/2006, at 12:05 PM, Adam Todd wrote:

> Weird
> http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/initResSearch.do?textOnly=true
> Is this broken, or is it just my Firefox V2 that is fouling up only  
> on this web site?
> It just sits there, doing nothing, with the little progress bar  
> down the bottom stuck about 2/3rds, spinning it's little circles,  
> round and round and round and round.
> Then again, after David Boxalls posting about Telstra (aka Sensis)  
> should I be surprised?

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