[LINK] Guidelines for Digital Repositories, Canberra, 27 July

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Jul 21 15:23:50 AEST 2006

On 2006 Jul 21, at 2:51 PM, Michael Still wrote:
> Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> I don't think that helps though, as the video will still be  
> encoded, and  that would need to be documented. I would think an  
> open compression format like MPEG would be fine, especially if the  
> archive included the specification, which could be used to write a  
> decoder if needed.
>> Can you take an uncompressed digital photograph?
> Yes, it's called RAW.

Camera RAW formats are strange, you can convert pictures to  
uncompressed tiff which is an archival format.  It doesn't matter  
much if humans are going to be viewing it that it's been through a  
lossy compression once.  More than once is usually not so good.

Kim Holburn
Network Consultant
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