[LINK] Is it Gb or GB?

David Pedler David.Pedler at sis.qld.gov.au
Mon Nov 6 18:07:51 AEDT 2006

We are having a debate over bits, nibbles, bytes and words.  If you have
a 10bit word can that be also called a byte.  I believe not, a byte is 8

Also is it GB for Gigabyte and Gb for Gigabit?  These days a lot of
people use Gb for Gigabyte; I believe that is wrong too.

Comments please?

David Pedler
Manager, Enterprise Architecture
Shared Information Solutions
p: (07) 303 30164
e: David.Pedler at sis.qld.gov.au

Thought for the day: Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never
succeed -- Proverbs 12:24

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