[LINK] Eudora email moves to open source

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Tue Nov 14 12:32:32 AEDT 2006

On 2006/Nov/14, at 12:04 PM, Ivan Trundle wrote:
> However, those that I know have dropped Eudora haven't once  
> complained about anything lacking in Mail.

Hmmmm.  I used Eudora for years and there's one thing it had that I  
really liked, used all the time and that no other email client  
does.   Eudora had an option that when a rule moved an email into a  
mailbox it would open the mailbox in a window.  It's a simple thing  
but I found very useful.  I need rules/filters but I hate mail  
clients which shuffle all the mail around but then you don't realise  
what email you have.  Using the "read" flag doesn't work for me.   
Apple Mail now does a similar enough thing for me using a fudge (a  
smart folder) (Thunderbird 2 has a similar fudge).  The other nice  
thing Eudora did was being able to edit a received email.

On the other hand things I don't miss are: Eudora decodes attachments  
and puts them in an attachment folder then *changes* the email so the  
attachment is no longer in the email.  Also Eudora was a good POP  
client but a crappy IMAP client.

Apple Mail: searching is still buggy, If you have junk mail filtering  
on then Apple Mail is a crappy IMAP client - it has to download every  
piece of mail and keep them synchronised with the client - doesn't  
scale.  Apple Mail wraps text at 75 characters, and it's not  
configurable - it even wraps URLs and adds a space!!  And of course  
the date problem.

> I suspect it's down to personal preferences and taste in interface  
> design. Some pine (deliberate pun intended) for different mail  
> checking intervals for different accounts; option-clicking to  
> select like senders, subjects, etc; option to NOT use Apple's  
> AddressBook, and different folder arrangements (all of which Eudora  
> can do, but Mail can't) - but I see these as being esoteric for  
> most people. On the other hand, Mail handles html mail (ugh) better.
> I'll say one thing, though - any app that is designed to run on  
> both Mac and Windows platforms is invariably compromised - mostly  
> from a UI perspective, but often it goes deeper than this - and Mac  
> users come off second-best. This applies to the big guns, too  
> (Adobe, are you listening?).

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +61 2 61258620 M: +61 417820641  F: +61 2 6230 6121
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Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny.
                           -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

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