[LINK] Victoria the first to cast e-vote in a state election

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Tue Nov 14 15:35:57 AEDT 2006

At 02:55 PM 14/11/2006, Craig Sanders wrote:
>but this is the way that the e-voting companies will get their way, by
>making it a PC disability issue. the emotive argument will override
>the rational security argument (as emotive arguments always do). and
>then they'll push for it being the standard voting method so that all
>citizens can have the "convenience" of electronic voting, not just the

There has been conversation on the vip list saying similar things 
about not really trusting the new approach. Some are saying they use 
postal voting with a family member helping them complete the ballot 
and mailing it back for them.

Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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