[LINK] Why Electronic Voting?

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Nov 17 15:04:44 AEDT 2006

Kim Holburn wrote:
> I guess the whole point about electronic voting is why do it?  Why fix 
> a system that isn't broken?  I can't see it will cut down the amount 
> of work involved in elections.  It may lead to faster results but is 
> the expense and amount of work to get there and potential loss of 
> security and auditability worth a small speed up in election 
> counting?  I can see at least one reason to go down this path but I 
> don't know if it's where we as a society want to end up.
> The reason:
> The actual process of voting is the one place where our society is 
> "democratic" where we get to decide things or at least have the 
> appearance of getting to decide things.  Once the vote has been made 
> our "representatives" become oligarchs for their term of office and 
> they do all the actual deciding.  (And I must say here that any system 
> of government that allows a change of government without bloodshed is 
> a much better system than most of what went before but that's really 
> the only advance so far.)
> If we had a completely electronic system of voting we could trust and 
> that would give us near instantaneous voting results, our society 
> could become much closer to a real democracy.  
This is probably the point that needs the most justification - rather 
than just assertion. My position is that while the "instavote" looks 
more democratic, its cost is a less democratic process. You get to vote 
"right now" on something, so that's a plus; but the ordinary voter can't 
look inside the process, making it less democratic.

> The question then is: is that the way we want to go?  Is it really 
> what our politicians want?
> -- 
> Kim Holburn
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