[LINK] Fwd: vip-l: Electronic votiing

David Goldstein wavey_one at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 19 17:42:08 AEDT 2006

Oh dear, here we go again, sigh. Craig, now, since nobody on this list has come up with a practical solution to combining the rights of people who are blind, and even vision impaired in many cases, to vote with privacy and security I've got a project for you.

I want you to come up with an alternative following consultation with people who are blind and vision impaired and their advocacy groups.

Otherwise all you're showing is you don't have any idea on what the issues are. And let's face it, whether you like it or not, electronic voting is coming, and sooner rather than later. So you can jump up and down and have your tantrums, but it won't achieve anything. So you need to come up with a solution that combines your concerns and the concerns of people who are blind and vision impaired.

And no, I won't stop posting while there are there are those who think discrimination is fine, as long as they get their way. Technology is a great means of helping people with disabilities overcome the challenges they face in their day-to-day lives.

So enough of the language Craig. I'm sure the list prefers that it be done without.


----- Original Message ----
From: Craig Sanders <cas at taz.net.au>
To: David Goldstein <wavey_one at yahoo.com>
Cc: Link Mailing List <link at anu.edu.au>
Sent: Sunday, 19 November, 2006 5:06:49 PM
Subject: Re: [LINK] Fwd: vip-l: Electronic votiing

On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 08:46:05PM -0800, David Goldstein wrote:
> Oh dear Craig, you do get a tad upset. 

that's because i'm sick and tired of a know-nothing fuckwit like you jumping
in and repeatedly accusing me of discrimination against the blind.

i'll say it one more fucking time and maybe you'll get it: my argument
against e-voting has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with blind people. my
argument against e-voting is the same whether it is for blind or sighted
people. my argument is that the fucking things are fucking insecure and
there is no fucking way of making them secure.

get the fucking picture?

now fuck off and die.


> I do agree that security is an issue. But since you've got no
> idea on the security issues in place in Victoria at present, your
> scaremongering is just that. Scaremongering.


unlike you (and most people involved in this debate), i've actually
worked for over a year (as systems admin) for a company that makes
software for and runs online votes, polls and surveys. mostly for
shareholder ballots and union elections, although they're doing a lot
of work with the UK govt. they also ran the National Mock Student
Elections in the US in 2004. i've had a lot of experience working with
the security issues involved, and a lot of time to think about them.

and, although i wish my former employers (who are very clued up and have
some brilliant encryption methodologies) well and hope they continue to
be successful, i came out of that experience absolutely convinced that
e-voting is a bad idea, and that online voting is even worse.

(online voting adds to the other problems of e-voting by sacrificing
either anonymity or auditability. you can not have both, they are
contradictory goals in this context. both are essential for a democratic
electoral process).

e-voting may be acceptable in shareholder elections for boards of
directors, and in unions and clubs and other not-hugely-important
things. it is completely unacceptable for electing governments. the risk
is too high.

> Anyway, you go run now. Have a lie down. All that raised blood
> pressure will cause you a problem or two if you're not careful.

fuck off.

> Sweet dreams!

and die.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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