[LINK] Microsoft MD to chair govt ICT advisory board

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Sep 3 08:51:38 AEST 2006


> The Department of Communications Information Technology and the  
> Arts (DCITA) has revised the Ministerial ICT advisory board which  
> will now have Microsoft Australia's managing director Steve Vamos  
> as its chairman.
> ICT Minister Senator Helen Coonan said the ICT advisory group was  
> strengthened to include "peak business bodies" to ensure the needs  
> of businesses are also considered in the development of ICT priorities
> "The Ministerial ICT advisory group plays an important role in  
> providing the government with strategic advice about the  
> development of new ICT priorities," Coonan said. "ICT offers  
> significant potential to further build economic growth, prosperity  
> and quality of life for all Australians. Strengthening this group  
> will ensure we identify our key areas and capitalize on relevant  
> export and trade opportunities for the effective deployment of ICT."

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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