[LINK] Microsoft MD to chair govt ICT advisory board

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Sep 3 10:13:02 AEST 2006

On 2006 Sep 03, at 9:23 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> At 08:51 AM 3/09/2006, Kim Holburn wrote:
>>> The Department of Communications Information Technology and the
>>> Arts (DCITA) has revised the Ministerial ICT advisory board which
>>> will now have Microsoft Australia's managing director Steve Vamos
>>> as its chairman.
> Do any linkers know this person to be able to have confidence that  
> he won't be biased to 'ICT = personal computer = Microsoft'?   
> Hopefully others on the committee will be able to expand the agenda  
> beyond that limited perspective.

It's his job to represent Microsoft's interests.

He will if necessary use techniques like this:

Changing the Report, After the Vote:
Microsoft Attempts to Quash OSS Recommendations:

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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