[LINK] web site choices.

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Wed Sep 6 08:33:57 AEST 2006

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 06:57:49PM +1000, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:

> Questions to the list:
> What sort of address should I go for?

it doesn't matter. a domain name is a domain name.

technically, .com and .com.au are for businesses; .org and .org.au
are for organisations and associations (actually .org.au is hard to
get these days, .asn.au has taken its place); .net and .net.au are
for internet-specific organisations and companies; .id.au is for
individuals; and .oz.au is unavailable - a "legacy" domain from the
early days.

practically, .com is the cheapest and most recognisable to non-geeks as
being a domain name so go for that if the domain name you want is still

> What sort of licence should I assert?

whichever suits your needs best. creative commons or similar license
is OK if you want to encourage redistribution of your work; straight
copyright notice if you want to be able to enforce your control over

> What else do I need to consider?

the most important consideration is the hardware and software. a site is
no good if it crashes regularly, can't keep up with the workload, or is
vulnerable to being cracked by script-kiddies.

in other words, run apache on linux or freebsd.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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