[LINK] Fwd: [Announce] Australia takes the Software Freedom record!
Deus Ex Machina
vicc at cia.com.au
Wed Sep 6 15:31:45 AEST 2006
as usual you sound like a parrot of chomskian drivel.
Craig Sanders [cas at taz.net.au] wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 02:47:48PM +1000, Kim Holburn wrote:
> > On 2006 Sep 06, at 12:11 PM, The Howard spokesmidget spruked:
> > >just fly out to any major chinese city and walk down a random street
> > >and ask a random person how they feel about their standard of living
> > >under the new capitalism regime and the old anti capitalist regimes
> >
> > Australia is a highly urbanised society: 90% of people in Australia
> > live in cities; China is the opposite: 90% of people live in the
> > countryside (very, very rough figures). Go out of the cities and ask
> > them and you may well get a different response.
> or not.
> while the new yuppie capitalist class[1] in China's cities may be happy
> with the current economic policies in china (i.e. to transform the poor
> from enslaved peasants into enslaved cheap labour for chinese-american
> manufacturing partnerships...with the partnerships lasting just long
> enough for skills/technology transfer to take place, at which point the
> americans will be told where to go), the poor who are being evicted from
> their houses so they can be demolished to make way for yuppie apartments
> wouldn't be anywhere near so happy.
> [1] mostly the sons and daughters of the previous generation's top party
> members.
> > Anyway Monsieur what would you know about what people in China think
> > anyway?
> he knows as much about that topic as he knows about any other.
> craig
> ps: the good news is that capitalism will inevitably eat itself. the bad
> news is that it will eat everything else in the process.
> --
> craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au> (part time cyborg)
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