[LINK] Linux scanner and printer support

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Tue Sep 12 14:06:02 AEST 2006

At 01:28 PM 12/09/2006, Robin Whittle wrote:
>   http://www.sane-project.org/
>However, it took me a long time to get it going.  This would never have
>been possible for someone who lacked expertise and persistence, and who
>was not willing to scrutinise documentation and trawl the Web for clues.

Yes but I trawl the internet for days at a time trying to get Microsoft 
software working and most of the material you find is about people also 
trying to find solutions to the same problem.

At least with the*nix community, when I have a problem, I find pages and 
page sand pages of answers, suggestions, failures and options.  Not to 
mention alternatives.

I then probably spend the same amount of time in a pragmatic process with 
the *nix results, whereas in the Microsoft world I spend that time reading 
other peoples complaints.

>It took me a day or so to configure the system to recognise a SCSI

Same can happen with Windows :)

>and I still need to run a root script to have the scanner
>recognised after I plug it in.  But after that, it is rock-solid and
>really good to use.  It integrates perfectly with The Gimp, the Open
>Source image editing program, comparable to Photoshop (including with
>unsharp mask).  The XSane program also runs on its own.

OK, so now I'm off to get a copy :)

>The list of supported devices is immense, and includes my 10 year old,
>but good, 600DPI Umax Astra 1200S.  By chance, this is a scanner used by
>the Sane developer, but I suspect that the support for other scanners is
>as good.

Damnit and I ditched my 10 year old scanner thinking I'd never get drivers.

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