[LINK] Fwd: MR 100-2006: ACMA executes search warrant for alleged major breaches of the Spam Act

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Tue Sep 12 15:25:13 AEST 2006

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Australian Communications & Media Authority"  
> <publishing at acma.gov.au>
> Date: 12 September 2006 2:15:16 PM
> To: <tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au>
> Subject: MR 100-2006: ACMA executes search warrant for alleged  
> major breaches of the Spam Act
> Reply-To: media at acma.gov.au
> The Australian Communications and Media Authority has recently  
> executed a search warrant on a residential premises in relation to  
> an allegation that an Australian resident was sending billions of  
> unsolicited commercial electronic messages, referred to generally  
> as ‘spam’. The full media release can be found at http:// 
> www.acma.gov.au/ACMAINTER:STANDARD::pc=PC_100759
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phone : 02 6241 7659 | mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
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