[LINK] the Telstra TruJerko Trio

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Wed Sep 13 10:08:29 AEST 2006

On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 09:43:47AM +1000, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> Craig wrote:
> > IMO, Trujillo was hired specifically to bring down the telstra share
> > price so that institutional investors could get a T3 bargain.
> Agree. And not only do I agree with you, Craig - but in a piece in
> the Saturday business section of the SMH on September 2, this was
> specifically stated by several share analysts. What was shocking was
> not the idea that the share price would be "talked down" to offer
> a bargain - shocking enough since that amounts to stealing from

it's also stealing from the current share-holders. and that is
unarguably a crime.

i guess crimes aren't crimes when the shareholders are (indirectly)
tax-payers. with any non-publicly owned company, the senior management
AND the board of directors would be facing criminal charges for acts far
less blatant than this.

> the taxpayer! - but that none of the share analysts saw anything
> disturbing about doing so.

that's because they all have their snouts in the trough....or at least
their clients do.  the ones that count, anyway.

> >>How can one continue to have feelings of loyalty towards Telstra?
> >
> >i don't think many (if any) have any loyalty towards telstra.
> Loyalty to a business entity is, anyhow, a silly idea ... as soon as a 
> citizen starts letting loyalty to a company dictate their purchases, 
> they are easy prey ...


> >IMO, telstra should be split into infrastructure (i.e. maintainence and
> >wholesale) and sales & marketing. infrastructure should stay in public
> >hands, and S & M can compete for business along with all the others.  of
> >course, that wont and cant happen now.
> It was advocated ten years ago and ignored by the political sphere, 
> because the people advising the government about the float were not 

and because it doesn't fit either the government's ideology or their need
to line the pockets of their biggest supporters.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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