[LINK] Digital scholar postponed
Tom Worthington
Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Sep 13 12:29:13 AEST 2006
I wrote Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:55:08 +1000 (was: "Digital scholar's
workbench, ANU, 13 Sep 2006"):
>... talk by Ian
>Barnes <http://cecs.anu.edu.au/seminars/showone.pl?SID=257> ...
>2006-09-13 ... 16:00:00 - 17:00:00 ... ANU, Canberra ...
Unfortunately Ian is unwell and his talk has been postponed (I will
let you know the new date).
If any Linkers had already made plans to attend, let me know and I
can give a preview of the talk I am giving to the Canberra Society of
Editors in October on e-publishing tools:
Title: Electronic publishing for Editors
by: Tom Worthington FACS HLM
Chair of Scholarly Publishing for the Australian Computer Society
and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University.
Tom Worthington discusses how free and low cost computer tools and
service can be used by to research, produce, publish, distribute and
sell books online. He shows new technology under development for
scholarly publishing which is set to revolutionize commercial
publishing, radio and TV. He uses as examples books he has published
and the new electronic publishing system under development by the
Australian Computer Society.
* How you can walk into the National Library of Australia with
nothing and walk out having published a book.
* How to give away publications on-line and make money.
About the speaker:
Tom Worthington is an independent IT consultant and occasional travel
author. He teaches electronic publishing technology at the
Australian National University. In 1999 Tom was elected a Fellow of
the Australian Computer Society for his contribution to the
development of public Internet policy in Australia. His book Net
Traveller is available free on-line (and makes money).
* Net Traveller- Exploring the Networked Nation, book by Tom
Worthington <http://www.tomw.net.au/nt/>.
* Electronic Publishing at the ACS
Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617 http://www.tomw.net.au/
Director, ACS Communications Tech Board http://www.acs.org.au/ctb/
Visiting Fellow, ANU Blog: http://www.tomw.net.au/blog/atom.xml
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