[LINK] Open Data Models

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Mon Sep 18 10:52:43 AEST 2006

I've just caught up on this thread, and wanted to mention another open
standard data model that might be of interest.

The health sector has the HL7 standard (for "health level 7", I believe) for
storing and interchanging health-related data. It's XML-based and covers
everything from "This is the raw high-resolution of Mr Smith's MRI scan" to
"Ms Jones has just cancelled her 2.15pm appointment for physiotherapy."

It's used every time a pathology lab reports your blood test results back to
your doctor, magically appearing in your personal file on his or her screen.


Stilgherrian <stil at stilgherrian.com> http://www.stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia. ABN 25 231 641 421
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