[LINK] DVD chips 'to kill illegal copying'

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Tue Sep 19 12:06:52 AEST 2006

At 10:33 AM 19/09/2006, Saliya Wimalaratne wrote:
>How precisely is this different from the current region coding? That is,
>there is a property of the disc, which in combination with a feature of
>the player can be used to restrict certain actions. Substitute
>"region code" for "chip" in the following sentence...

Quite different really.  But a reasonable analogy.

>We all know what happened to region-coding of players. Consumers don't
>want it; this is been-there, done-that territory.

So why do we still get DVD burners and players for computers that tell us 
we have 5 changes left?  This is, as I have said, absurd, because I get 
Disks from the USA and EU regions to play and I have to change my laptop 
drive every time.  It's unacceptable.

>At some point, someone
>will figure out how to fool/bypass/disable the RFID reader in a player,
>and we'll be back to where we are now.

Of course.  But doesn't the FTA prevent "someone"doing just that?

>Honestly, you'd think that the movie studios they're attempting to
>sell this concept to would be smarter. You'd think that what they'd
>do is figure out how to make it _easier_ for the consumer to give
>them money...

I am baffled as to why the studios aren't actually taking advantage of the 
marketing machine itself.

People like "trinkets" and "limited souvenirs"  If the Original disks etal 
came with special limited edition elements that weren't able to be 
duplicated, then people are more likely to buy them if they are a collector.

People also like to Try Before they Buy.  Why spend $30 a DVD movie you 
might not like?  Why not make low resolution copies available and people 
can watch the movie and decide to buy it.

Although with DVD's now under $25 most of the time (except the first week 
of release and who bus then anyway?) why not just wait till they fall in to 
the Two Disk $15 and under category and buy them irrespective of the movie. 
You can never have too much DVD movie material in your home for any mood!

>Wonder how many patents Ritek holds on RFID-in-media? :)

Hehehe :) 

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