[LINK] Moved to Linux

Martin Barry marty at supine.com
Wed Sep 20 14:54:50 AEST 2006

$quoted_author = "Deus Ex Machina" ;
> anthony hornby [ahornby at darlug.org] wrote:
> > 
> > In essence it was frustrations with the quality of proprietary software
> > in the first place that started the FOSS movement. It empowers users to
> > take the software in the directions that are useful to them.
> this is an out and out nonsense. the foss movement started as free r&d from
> the likes of at&t and various universities.

FOSS movement is more recent then that and coincides with the development of
alternative licencing such as the GPL which encourages sharing of

precursors to that were the BSD licence (which allows redistribution of
changes without contribution back to the community) and proprietary software
given away gratis because no one thought of charging for it yet (the bell
labs et al. vic speaks of).


It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of

-- Calvin

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