[LINK] Environmental impact of web versus print

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Wed Sep 27 15:59:05 AEST 2006

On 27/09/2006, at 2:32 PM, Tom Worthington wrote:

> Yes, I usually include a print style sheet which omits the  
> interactive menus and reformats the text to fill the page. This is  
> easy enough to do with alternate style sheets <http:// 
> www.tomw.net.au/2006/wd/index.shtml#udf>.


Okay - I'll take the bait here...

Why do people insist on using the word 'alternate' when they mean  
'alternative'? Why is it that Americans don't seem to care or even  
know about the difference between the two words? Or do some style  
sheets truly alternate between X and Y and back again? (Yes, I do  
know that the underlying html code refers to 'alternate' - ignorant  
sods that invented the standard.)

It's getting so bad that even ABC reporters use the word this way.


(grumpy old man candidate)


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