[LINK] Fwd: vip-l: Fwd: Article: Judges Reject Appeals From Webcasters

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Thu Apr 19 18:40:51 AEST 2007

Jeremy Malcolm wrote:

> Rick Welykochy wrote:
>> I know there are open audi standrads, but are there any open video 
>> standards?
> Sure there are.  See http://www.theora.org/.

Excellent. I will have a play with this. I see that VLC can support
theora. I would like to see how the quality of theora encoding
compares to other formats, and what trade-offs can be made
between compression size and video quality.

I note tha PNG evolved as an open standard for images, probably
in response to the GIF patent. And after a number of years is now
supported in most browsers and image editing suites.

I don't get the feeling the same progress has been made with ogg
vorbis audio (yet) but we can wait. I hope similar will happen to


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Once a new technology starts rolling, if you're not part of the
steamroller, you're part of the road.
      -- Stewart Brand

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