[LINK] Australian Privacy Foundation's 'easy option'?

Saliya Wimalaratne saliya at hinet.net.au
Sat Apr 28 11:01:01 AEST 2007

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 06:18:18PM +1000, rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au wrote:
> Stephen,
> Well, the story's a bit of a technical jungle, but I would guess the 
> "easy option" is to:
> - Force backdoors in encryption;

Good luck with that :) 

> - Impose the interception load on ISPs; and
> - Require mass-capture of traffic.

This is already the case. Carriers and CSPs are already required to
provide interception requirements under s.324 of the 
Telecommunications Act 1997,

Whoever provides the encryption has the obligation to be able to 
provide decryption - if the VOIP provider sells an encrypted end-to-end 
connection they have to be able to provide the unencrypted data in 
response to the appropriate legal instrument. Otherwise, they just 
provide a copy of the encrypted data, and say 'good luck with that' :)

ACMA has a reasonable document at 




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