[LINK] News: 'New mobile phones will double as credit cards'

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Apr 29 15:06:55 AEST 2007

See, I reckon $33 a month, which is way more than I have ever paid a  
phone company for a mobile phone is a rip-off.  You admitted in one  
of your emails that "you rarely ever use all all of that" that you're  
paying for.  I'm glad you're not confused.  What about people who  
don't know much about technology - not to mention people who just  
don't know much?

On 2007/Apr/29, at 6:20 AM, Adam Todd wrote:

> At 07:55 PM 28/04/2007, Kim Holburn wrote:
>> Part of the problem is the way phone companies sell phones.  If they
>> sold phones outright or made a clear differentiation between paying
>> off a phone and having an account and weren't constantly trying to
>> obfuscate the cost of phones and calls and accounts then there
>> wouldn't be such pressure to constantly upgrade.
> I'm not confused.
> I pay $0 for the phone each month.
> I was on a 24 month contract for $22 a month, which also gave me  
> $22 worth of call credits.  I had to up this to a $33 a month plan  
> because the legal dealings were costing me more than $22 a month.
> For an extra $3 a month I get free MMS to people on the same  
> network - which I use profusely rather than make a phone call :)
> But I have 300 free minutes of free calls to people on the same  
> network and even though i make huge numbers of calls, rarely ever  
> use all of that.
> I'm not confused :)  I pay next to nothing for my phone and  
> services and it's more cost effective and has more range than a  
> $400 two way radio!
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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