[LINK] New secret search powers
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Wed Aug 1 03:04:35 AEST 2007
> New secret search powers
> Tom Allard
> August 1, 2007
> POLICE and security agencies will be given unprecedented "sneak and
> peek" powers to search the homes and computers of suspects without
> their knowledge under legislation to go before Federal Parliament
> next week.
> The extensive powers - which also give federal police the right to
> monitor communications equipment without an interceptions warrant -
> come amid growing public disquiet about counter-terrorism powers
> following the bungled handling of the Mohamed Haneef case.
> Under the laws, officers from the federal police and other agencies
> would be able to execute "delayed notification warrants", allowing
> them to undertake searches, seize equipment and plant listening
> devices in businesses and homes.
> Police and security officers will be able to assume false
> identities to gain entry and conduct the surreptitious searches.
> But the person affected by the raid does not have to be informed
> for at least six months, and can remain in the dark for 18 months
> if the warrant is rolled over.
> The warrant is to be issued by the head of a police service or
> security agency without the approval of a judicial officer. It can
> also be extended for more than 18 months with the sanction of the
> minister.
> The lack of judicial oversight was justified by the Minister for
> Justice and Customs, David Johnston, on the grounds that a court or
> judicial officer might leak news of the warrant.
> "I don't want to impugn anyone, but the security of these
> operations has to be pristine," Senator Johnston told the Herald.
> Moreover, the warrant can be issued for any offence that carries a
> prison term of 10 years or more, despite a strong recommendation
> from a bipartisan Senate committee earlier this year that it only
> be used for investigations into terrorism, organised crime and
> "offences involving death or serious injury with a maximum penalty
> of life imprisonment".
> The new powers have their genesis in a meeting of state, territory
> and federal police ministers two years ago to create uniform search
> warrants.
> They are scheduled to be introduced to the Senate on Tuesday when
> Parliament resumes.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294 M: +39 3494957443
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-- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961
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