[LINK] SMH: 'Concern over how AFP got comments'

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Aug 3 10:53:02 AEST 2007

Meanwhile in the US....
> Ever since 9/11, the Bush administration has argued for greater freedom to electronically eavesdrop on terror suspects. But this week, there is new urgency, as it pushes Congress to allow it to intercept overseas communications that are routed through the United States. That is complicated by the 30-year old Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, which requires prior court approval for wiretaps that have a domestic component.

Adam Todd wrote:
> Oh please.  This wasn't a DSD/Echelon moment.  Gawd if it was, then the 
> information would have been available 4 days earlier!
> No, the information came from the poor guys laptop chat logs, which are 
> unencrypted and stored in plain text on his computer.
> No doubt the police probably discovered the laptops clock was wrong and 
> helpfully set it to the appropriate date and time, ensuring that the 
> evidence was accurate.
> Just like the names and addresses of the alleged British Terrorists 
> written into the back of Haneefs diary, strangely not in his handwriting 
> and strangely in the hand writing of a police officer.
> No surprise an interrogator dropped dead during this process.  Sympathy 
> to his family, but his passing was probably from a heart or anurism 
> attach caused by his inability to be dishonest under the extreme 
> pressure of being ordered to fabricate "facts"  (Ok, I'm being colourful 
> here, but I didn't say that was a fact, I said "probably" and there is 
> no evidence to the contrary and seriously would you believe any that was!
> But it doesn't have to be done at that level. Judges like Justice Megan 
> Latham in the NSW Supreme Court are great at creating judgements with 
> findings of evidence that was never put before the court orally, in 
> affidavit, on a video, in a submission or even as a whisper around the 
> room.
> Corruption in the Australian Government(s) legal system is systemic.  
> The problem is people are too afraid to do anything about it for fear of 
> repercussions.
> Nah Echelon wasn't excited about this, too much hassle to get access to 
> logs that if were obtained by such process would never have even rated 
> mention in any of the processes.
> Why?  Because SOMEONE ELSE will know about them.  And lets face it, the 
> British would have been all out there with the Chat Logs if Echelon was 
> the source :)
> Note the British greatly distancing themselves from this "ongoing 
> investigation"  :)
> At 09:00 PM 2/08/2007, Russell Ashdown wrote:
>> DCS1000 (previously known as 'Echelon' and/or 'Omnivore' / 
>> 'Carnivore') my dear Roger...  Oh, and let's not forget the infamous 
>> 'Narus STA 6400'
>> See:
>> <http://www.efa.org.au/Issues/Privacy/surveillsys.html>
>> and:
>> <http://www.narus.com/products/intercept.html>
>> Cheers,
>> Russell
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Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: 0414 869202

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