[LINK] Take the infrastructure back [Was: Friday funny a little early]

David Goldstein wavey_one at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 6 12:50:50 AEST 2007

On electronic voting, I've put some stories on my website, but in short:

1. "This year's federal election will be the first to engage electronic
voting when blind or vision impaired people will be able to vote at 29
locations across Australia.

2. The California Secretary of State moved strongly on Friday to corral electronic-voting problems found in independent tests conducted on machines previously certified for use in that state.

See http://technewsreview.com.au/cat.php?cat=6 for links to these stories...


----- Original Message ----
From: Lea de Groot <lealink at viking.org.au>
To: link at anu.edu.au
Sent: Monday, 6 August, 2007 11:26:01 AM
Subject: Re: [LINK] Take the infrastructure back [Was: Friday funny a little early]

On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:57:35 +1000, Adam Todd wrote:
> (Except me, I didn't cast a vote in the last Fed Election, there 
> wasn't anyone I could vote for with the confidence of being 
> represented and my vote should I have cast it would have made no 
> difference.)

Well, really, you should have attended the polling booth anyway and 
voted informally.
Not marked the ballot in any way that could have been interpreted as a 
vote and written on it what you thought of the candidates.

Everyone (well, perhaps not everyone here ;)) thinks an e-voting system 
will sing and dance, but it will lose an important facet of the current 
paper system - Human scrutineers.
These people not only check that the vote is being counted correctly 
but also view the physical ballots, and will see a trend such as 'No 
Dams', etc and will report back to their party (because the majority 
are from a party) on what The Peepul want.

See, there is a point to voting informally.
Although I can almost always find someone I want to vote against :)

Lea de Groot
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