[LINK] The Next Ten Years

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Thu Aug 9 13:34:01 AEST 2007

Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

> maybe the Internet, not paper, will be the primary record/communication 
> medium
> with documents provided in HTML, and forrests will no longer cut down to 
> make
> paper or room to grow biofuels.

The problem with digital is preservation. I doubt we even have much
left from, say, the 1960s on tape :( And even if you found such a tape,
could you (a) physically read it and (b) logically decode it?

Imagine a digital Principia being uncovered in some 320 years
and being able to read it. We are a far far away from that goal.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

This is the first age that's paid much attention to the future, which is a
little ironic since we may not have one.
      -- Arthur C Clarke

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