[LINK] ABC News Critique

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Mon Aug 13 11:31:43 AEST 2007

At 09:38 AM 13/08/2007, Paul Bolger wrote:
>Grizzly bear kills couple in Alaska
>Leopard kills 4-year-old in Bombay
>Biologist survives second bear attack
>Julia Roberts gives birth to baby boy
>Alligator kills Florida man in canal
>Spot the odd one out!

Must be the one about the leopard. The rest are in the US, and those 
*must* be the most important stories. Makes one wonder what Julia did 
to the kid, doesn't it? ;-)

Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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Learn to love revision. Think of it as polishing the silver for 
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