[LINK] facebook code leak and privacy concerns

Brendan Scott brendansweb at optusnet.com.au
Tue Aug 14 12:42:45 AEST 2007

Jan Whitaker wrote:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/aug/13/internet Facebook's
> code leak raises fears of fraud

Further down it says:

> Neil Munroe, external affairs director at Equifax, said: "More and
> more consumers are signing up to these sites every day and chances
> are they'll put on their date of birth, location, email, job and
> marital status. Fraudsters can use this information to steal an
> individual's identity and open accounts in their name."

This is something which confuses me.  If someone is going to commit an identity theft fraud, why do they need to have an identity to steal?  That is, why do they need a victim, why don't they just forge the whole kit and kaboodle?  


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