[LINK] mobile phone video

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Aug 17 01:35:41 AEST 2007

So, apparently the Federal Government is going to auction-off some (all?) 
of the analog TV spectrum for mobile phones. (DVB-H) 

And, these frequencies will now be used to multi-cast several TV programs 
(eg news and sport) for mobile phones. 

Thus the TV channels have their new digital frequencies, AND get to 'keep' 
their old broadcast frequencies, just using a different technology.

Bah, Humbug .. I'd prefer better Internet access ..

Mobile battle over TV formats
Michael Sainsbury | August 16, 2007 

AUSTRALIA's mobile phone networks are now convinced their customers want 
to watch television on their phones and are searching for ways to provide 
them more video content.

At the moment, Australian mobile networks use so-called Unicast 
technology;  MBMS is at the centre of a mobile video standards war now 
under way in the global telecommunications sector. 

Battling for position with mobile network operators is another technology 
called DVB-H. The federal Government is planning to auction TV spectrum 
for DVB-H use later this year. 

Ericsson is pushing MBMS whereas rivals such as Nokia are promoting DVB-H, 
which is gaining widespread acceptance in Europe. 


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