[LINK] Skype and VoIP

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Fri Aug 17 08:43:15 AEST 2007

On 17/8/07 7:56 AM, "Ivan Trundle" <ivan at itrundle.com> wrote:
> Obviously not ready for prime-time stuff. My household experienced a
> brown-out and then a black-out last night, and upon recovery, Skype
> wouldn't login. I thought that it might have been related, until I
> read this:
> "UPDATED 14:02 GMT: Some of you may be having problems logging into
> Skype. Our engineering team has determined that it¹s a software
> issue. We expect this to be resolved within 12 to 24 hours.[snip]

Hmmm... When there's a storm or a crash or whatever, "some users" don't have
electricity for hours at a time, but we never say "electricity isn't ready
for prime time".

Cars and trucks are "prime time", even though they go into the workshop for
a day or so every now and then -- or crash violently, killing all occupants.

Are we having unrealistic expectations of the new technologies, expecting
them to somehow be magically perfect? Have we all forgotten that Things Do
Not Work Perfectly, and that we have to do without them occasionally?


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia
mobile +61 407 623 600
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