[LINK] Skype and VoIP

Paul Brooks pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au
Fri Aug 17 14:48:32 AEST 2007

Stilgherrian wrote:
> On 17/8/07 9:04 AM, "Ivan Trundle" <ivan at itrundle.com> wrote:
>> You're right, though, Stil - but in this instance, millions of people
>> have been affected by the outage, whereas the examples you've quoted
>> aren't quite so omnipresent in their impact.
>> Our expectations are often tempered by track records: my neighbour is
>> without heating - again - for another week because of an equipment
>> failure, but on past experience, he shrugs and says 'it'll be fixed
>> eventually'.
> This is true enough. However the "experience" is often based on "my personal
> experience so far" rather than the overall reality.
> An example is hard disc failure. Many people happily continue with no data
> backups because the hard drive has worked perfectly so far. Of course, it
> can fail completely, and without warning.
Was I the only one that picked up an an additional line in Stil's 
original message:

 >  (I updated my Skype yesterday with a new beta - what a big snafu.)

A new BETA? is it really reasonable to question if something is not 
ready for prime-time, when its at Beta-test stage?

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