[LINK] Take the infrastructure back [Was: Friday funny a little early]

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Fri Aug 17 16:43:06 AEST 2007

At 8/08/2007 10:11 PM David Lochrin wrote:
>    The sooner basic telecommunications infrastructure goes back into public ownership and Telstra is relegated to insignificance the better, in my view.
In discussing Telstra and similar issues, I've been in the habit of 
referring to the alienation of infrastructure from public ownership as 
treason.  That has been challenged, on occasion, on the basis that an 
elected government can't commit treason.

Definitions of the term vary over time.  Classically, treason was a 
crime against the sovereign.  Today, some try to characterise it as one 
against the government.  To me, treason is a crime against the nation, 
state or citizenry.  Privatising the telecommunications infrastructure 

I hope establishing the principle that government may be held to account 
will mitigate their ideological excesses.

David Boxall                    |  Drink no longer water,
                                 |  but use a little wine
                                 |  for thy stomach's sake ...
                                 |            King James Bible
                                 |              1 Timothy 5:23

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