[LINK] ACMA & Communications Alliance - Communications Consumer Dialogue 2007
David Goldstein
wavey_one at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 13:10:45 AEST 2007
For anyone in Sydney tomorrow (Wednesday), you might be interested in this:
ACMA & Communications Alliance - Communications Consumer Dialogue 2007.
The blurb says:
Discover the future for the consumer! How will consumers gain the
benefits that future communication technologies will provide? Join
representatives from consumer groups and those interested in
discovering the likely impact of future communication technologies on
consumers. The Communications Consumer Dialogue will focus on how
Australia will achieve equitable access.
About the Event
The Communications Consumer Dialogue 2007 is designed to be an
interactive forum between the audience and speakers. The Dialogue will
focus on how Australia will achieve equitable access and is intended to
be forward-looking, with a view to the opportunities which future
technologies present for all consumers.
The expertise of Jenny Brockie in facilitating and moderating group
interactions will ensure that the Dialogue includes interactive and
energetic discussions between all participants - panel members,
attendees and moderator.
For more information see http://slatteryit.com.au/congress/
Registration Tea and Coffee
Keynote Address - Empowering and protecting consumers in communications markets
The fast paced nature of telecommunications markets provides us with
the challenge of re-evaluating our approaches to ensure consumers can
drive competition and reap the resulting benefits; while ensuring that
people are in a position to assert their market rights. Louise will
explore emerging thinking in this area and some new approaches to these
Speaker: Louise Sylvan, Deputy Chair, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
Morning Tea
What Technologies are on the Horizon?
Our esteemed panel will provide an overview of the technologies that
are likely to be adopted in the future and how consumers could use
these technologies.
Laurel Papworth, Online Communities Strategist, World Communities;
Mark Pesce, Writer, Inventor and Researcher;
Michael McLeod, CEO, Message Stick Communications
How will future technologies assist with accessibility?
Our expert panel will look at how accessibility will improve with new
technologies. How will future technologies help with the challenges
faced by the people with disabilities, older Australians and the rural
Graeme Innes, Federal Disability Discrimination Commissioner, HREOC;
Alex Varley, CEO, Media Access Australia;
Tim Noonan, Company Director & Principal Consultant, Tim Noonan Consulting;
Dr Christopher Newell, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania
Afternoon Tea
Empowering Consumers The Way Forward
The panel will address possible scenarios and solutions for enabling
consumers to fully participate in the digital age. Join our
thought-provoking panel as they outline the possible future policy
initiatives, creative strategies and future goals.
Mara Bun, Head of Research, CANNEX;
Chris Cheah, Member, Australian Communications and Media Authority;
Teresa Corbin, Chief Executive Officer, CTN
Close - Drinks and Networking
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