[LINK] Blind voter demands secret vote

Chris Maltby chris at sw.oz.au
Tue Aug 28 11:30:36 AEST 2007

On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 06:30:54AM +1000, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> Now, think about teaching dear Aunt Maud what you have just proposed. 
> You've just dumped a whole lot more work on the polling place staff.

I wasn't advocating it - just outlining an interface that might make
use of a "smart" device to assist people exercise a complex choice
more meaningfully.

An easier way to solve the problem would be to adopt NZ/German style
MMP voting for a single chamber and dump the Senate and all its
representational shortcomings entirely. My own choice would be to
combine MMP with a preferential voting system.

The essence is that an easy automated voting system implies a more
understandable, and therefor easier, manual system.


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