[LINK] The Australian IT site.
Richard Chirgwin
rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Aug 31 08:35:08 AEST 2007
Howard Lowndes wrote:
> Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> At 09:37 AM 30/08/2007, you wrote:
>>> Can anyone with a non IE browser check out if it is just IE or a
>>> really badly designed web site (or both)?
>> I have js blocked using FF2
>> Loaded fine, no advisories.
>> There are scripts from three different sources that I'm allowing
>> individually to see if I can spot it:
>> - news.com.au - no problem, but allowing put through a fourth source:
>> tiser.com.au
>> - imrworldwide.com - no problem
>> - roo.com - allowed the video player feed to load, was a long wait
>> for ad.doubleclick.com to load and added a script from macromedia.com
>> - tiser.com.au - no problem, tracked to the roo.com load after allowed.
>> - macromedia.com - no problem.
>> The problem could lie anywhere, but may be the doubleclick slowness.
>> uh-oh. I opened the Telstra page and it crashed firefox! That hardly
>> ever happens. It froze on loading something from ths.news.com.au .
>> The error signature is:
>> ModName: npswf32.dll
> What the hell is it doing causing a Dynamic Link Library to load. I'm
> guessing this is Winders, and judging by the name it might be an SWF
> library.
I don't know what the hell it's doing, but it's a first-rate pain in the
As I've previously remarked, I am increasingly seeing pages whose load
behaviour is extremely bad and almost impossible to diagnose. Telstra is
one; Sensis (particularly the White Pages) ditto; and so on.
My guess about the DLL is that it's a piece of some moron's brand new
"we have the best Web tracking and analysis program ever!" design but
that's just a guess. On Macs, of course, DLLs don't load...
> . I tried to copy the error report, but that was
>> too large in the window. I have saved the error report file if anyone
>> wants to see it.
>> When I reloaded FF, the page was viewable with no crashing.
>> Jan
>> Jan Whitaker
>> JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
>> jwhit at janwhitaker.com
>> business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
>> personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
>> commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
>> Writing Lesson #54:
>> Learn to love revision. Think of it as polishing the silver for
>> guests. - JW, May, 2007
>> 'Seed planting is often the most important step. Without the seed,
>> there is no plant.' - JW, April 2005
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