[LINK] Why www.etc?

Chris Maltby chris at sw.oz.au
Wed Dec 5 13:45:40 AEDT 2007

On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 11:47:52PM +1100, Ivan Trundle wrote:
> index.html at scienceshow/rn/abc.net.au

We already have a nice hierarchical naming system we use to navigate
file repositories. It's been generalised by some people along the
lines you mention but more consistently:


The big question is "what's different about the web that it requires
4, 5, 6 or more different addressing schemes for each URL?"


and that's probably not the whole story either. And then there's the
other semantic baggage that comes with HTTP - cookies, options,
referrer names, MIME types etc etc.

No point complaining, I think we're stuck with it.


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