[LINK] Re: Why www.etc?

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Wed Dec 5 15:45:02 AEDT 2007

Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mark Nearhos <mark at nearhos.com>
> Date: 5 December 2007 10:39:16 AM
> To: link at anumail0.anu.edu.au
> Subject: Re: Why www.etc?
> JANET (UK Joint Academic Network) originally used the Coloured Book  
> protocols including "Big-endian addresses".
> I think SPEARNET (South Pacific Education And Research Network) may  
> have as well.
> From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coloured_Book_protocols
> "One famous quirk of Coloured Book was that components of hostnames  
> were backwards compared to the Internet standard. For example, an  
> address might be acc at UK.AC.HATFIELD.STAR instead of  
> acc at star.hatfield.ac.uk."
> Interestingly in NZ:
> "As the endianness of Coloured Book addresses (nz.ac.vuw.rs2) and  
> rfc822 addresses (rs1.vuw.ac.nz) are different, this involves some  
> interesting jiggery-pokery and ultimately influences the choice of  
> 2lds in the .nz namespace."
> (http://www.wlug.org.nz/NewZealandInternetHistory)

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