Some weird happening with Thunderbird [was] Re: [LINK] metaphysical predictions

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at
Sat Dec 8 07:25:52 AEDT 2007

Howard Lowndes wrote:
> Thunderbird displays the 3 hyperlinks in this email as clickable, but 
> only the first 2 actually work, the 3rd one fails to call the browser.
> Weird....

All Three work for me using Knoppix 5.1/Icedove...

On the topic of the links, I will add one more link for people to check...

> ...The Chinese calendar year goes on 60-year cycle. This means that we have experienced the same year of yang earth on rat in 1948....

> Stephen Loosley wrote:
>> Hi there, (back from some third-world volunteer work)
>> For those who like a good metaphysical wonderment ...
>> Currently the main world doomsday prediction revolves around the
>> 21-23 December 2012.
>> This date involves the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of the
>> Saint Malachy list, a climatic sun-spot period,  the winter solstice,
>> etc etc etc.
>> <>  "Metaphysical predictions:  2012
>> is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation
>> (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of
>> the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar
>> (December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will
>> be a major change in world order." Also:
>> <>
>> However, some of the discussion around 2012 is based on the idea that
>> a major galactic configuration occurs at that time. That is, a lining
>> up of the planets, the sun and the galactic centre. Well, be that as
>> it may,  it appears that this conjunction actually occurs THIS year,
>> and not in 2012.
>> <>
>> A very remarkable planetary/galactic configuration occurs on December
>> 23rd and 24th 2007. The configuration on December 23 ­ Mars, Earth,
>> the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and the Galactic Centre ­ it becomes even
>> more remarkable in that it will be accompanied by the Full Moon
>> (conjunct Mars) at about 2 a.m. on December 24 when a simultaneous
>> Venus square Neptune occurs. It is even more remarkable in that the
>> Pluto/Sun conjunction appears exactly on the Winter Solstice, just
>> past conjunction with the Galactic Centre.
>> For those who love a good apocalypse date-prediction, Dec 2012 is
>> certainly the main front-runner worldwide .. but, perhaps, it's this
>> month?
>> Any one have any (researched) opinions regarding this? I just love a
>> good, researched apocalypse theory :-) Who knows?
>> Cheers, people Stephen Loosley Victoria, Australia
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Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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