[LINK] How can Microsoft stop us hating them?

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Fri Dec 14 11:21:24 AEDT 2007

At 08:19 AM 14/12/2007, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>Software that sucks: Apple mythology is that Macs don't crash. 
>Bollocks. The number of times that various apps - not just MS - spin 
>the beach ball at me before disappearing entirely is completely out of hand.

I agree, it can't be claimed that Apples don't crash.  From the 
Classic Days to the current MacBook Pro's I still have application 
crashes - but of course instead of the BSOD we get a popup that says 
"The application has unexpected ended.  Restart, Cancel, Close"

I don't get a spinning ball too often, and usually when that happens 
it's something to do with a network drive going flakey (mostly due to 
wifi dropping out or the other laptops going into sleep mode)

A constant spinning ball in my experience is usually a hardware item 
failing to respond.  Unplug a USB drive or a Firewire burner and 
things usually return to normal pretty fast.

>Since the latest OS update, the machine is perfectly capable of 
>shutting its power down with no warning. As for Office on OSX ... ugh.

I don't have Leopard :)  I'll stick with Tiger for the time being :)

Don't use Office on the Macs anyway.  Might eventually install Open 
Office.  But I have antiquated PCs for that right now.  Not even 
using Parallels as yet because I just can't see the benefit of 
switching between platforms when I use them side by side - one for 
notes and information and the other to edit :)

>meters will suck. Already I am considering replacing a year-old 
>washing machine because the software is so unbelievably buggy that 
>it's a power-and-water hog.

Hehehe :)  We don't have one of those any more.  We've got one you 
put a few items into, spin around about ten times and presto instantly clean!

>Microsoft can only partly 'stop me hating them' because ultimately, 
>it's a software company, and software sucks.

I don't hate Microsoft, or the software.  If anything I've learned 
over years and years and years is - these are tools and when using a 
hammer sometimes you do miss the nail, so take another swing and just 
don't hit your thumb!

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