[LINK] Another Rudd for the future ...

Eleanor Lister eleanor at pacific.net.au
Fri Dec 14 12:46:07 AEDT 2007

David Lochrin wrote:
> On Thursday 13 December 2007 22:04, grove at zeta.org.au wrote:
>> The conservatives were calling him Krudd for a long time before that.
>> Unlike the moniker "Little Johhny" or "Honest John", the jury is
>> still out on what our new leader will be like.   Let's just hope
>> he is not going to be a Tory Bliar.
>    I agree.  It's a little early for Adam Todd and his "wifelette" to be conferring negative tags on Kevin Rudd unless, of course, they want to see the Libs returned at the next election.  It's also not very original - Alan Ramsay has been calling him "Krudd" for quite a while.
>    Personally, I'm delighted with the speed with which Labor has ratified the Kyoto Protocol, with KR's public delineation of our differences with the U.S. on this issue, and also with his calling for the Garnaut report before setting targets.  Decision making on rational & informed grounds is one thing which is urgently needed, in contrast with Howard's practice of calling for "studies" designed to achieve a predetermined idealogical outcomes.
> David

oh, i see, "reports" good, "studies" bad ... there's a difference?

may one suggest that since the scientific evidence on climate change is
fully developed and prescriptive, that KR is trying to take a big
lungful of air before he has to confront big business on carbon emission
reduction, which will no doubt be a painful process for all parties


Eleanor Ashley Lister
-=- SAGE -=- TDOR -=- PHG -=- Greens LGBTI, IT & CoM -=-
eleanor at pacific.net.au

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