[LINK] NetAlert Campaign 'truth' finally coming out

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Sat Dec 15 11:48:59 AEDT 2007

On 15/12/2007, at 11:34 AM, Craig Sanders wrote:

> <snip>
> and personally, i can't see what the fuss is about. really, who cares
> if they *talk* (remotely, over a telecommunications medium) with some
> complete stranger as long as they know:
> 1. not to give their address or other identifying information
> 2. not to arrange a meeting without a parent or other adult to  
> supervise
> 3. that every single piece of information (name, age, photo, etc)
>   provided by the person online could be fake and SHOULD be regarded
>   as 100% fake until proven otherwise (i.e. via an adult-supervised
>   face-to-face meeting).
> kids are actually savvy enough to realise this - and they generally
> know it better than their parents.

Very wise, sensible, and appropriate - but only once they (parents and  
kids) understand the principles involved.

I'm sure that most Linkers' offspring would comprehend this, but I  
come across a significant number of net users who don't, and who have  
parents who don't understand these basic principles. It amazes me that  
some generally well-educated parents can be so naïve and blinkered in  
something as important as this. Many of these parents don't quite get  
the difference between real life and internet life, and how much they  
cross over, but especially for kids. They might think that they can  
track and supervise/guide the real life of their children, but seem to  
be at loss to track and guide online life.

>> All said and done, I'm no fan of NetAlert: the principle here is for
>> parents to take more interest and control, rather than abrogating  
>> their
>> responsibilities to the government of the day. And the same goes  
>> for the
>> workplace.
> yes.  as always.
> and, also as always, the government of the day wants to present itself
> as if it is or can 'do something' about the 'problem'.

Agreed: governments should stick to their knitting, and draft  
legislation that matters, and spend our money wisely. They should  
reflect our morality and sensibilities, and not force it upon us.


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