[LINK] Ogg Vorbis and Theora removed from HTML5

Glen Turner gdt at gdt.id.au
Mon Dec 17 12:14:42 AEDT 2007

> I didn't get the attachment.
> Do you mind sending it again?

Looks like the mailing list strips attachments.

Silvia Pfeiffer
Janet Hawtin
Linux Australia List
Re: [Linux-aus] Fwd: Ogg Vorbis and
Theora removed from HTML5
Mon, 17 Dec 2007 00:46:34 +1100
(00:16 CST)

Just one piece of de-mystification here: WHATWG are currently
developing HTML5 and in that context, the codec choice of "Ogg Theora"
as baseline codec has been taken out of the current specification
draft because the browser vendors were unable to all commit on
implementing this spec, therefore defeating the purpose of a baseline

WHATWG is not the W3C however! It does not ratify standards. Taking
Theora out of the spec has thus enabled a discussion to take place.
The discussion about a baseline codec is continuing and being taken up
inside the W3C only just now. In fact, the legal and technical
comparison of different, potentially acceptable codecs is now only
just starting. There has not been enough information carried together
beforehand to make that decision, and therefore the decision had been

BTW: I attended the W3C video workshop in San Jose this week where
much discussion was had about codecs. Trust me - everybody wants to
see this problem solved and in a way that all browser vendors (and
that includes Mozilla, Apple, MS, Opera and others) are able to
implement the baseline codec support, both from a legal as well as a
technical position. And according to W3C policy, a royalty-free
technology is required. So I am confident the issue will be resolved -
even though it may not necessarily be Ogg Theora as the baseline codec
in the end.


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