[LINK] Solution to SPAM checking

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Thu Feb 1 17:56:30 AEDT 2007

At 02:35 PM 1/02/2007, Karl Auer wrote:
> > The majority [of Linkers] would say
> > their opinion of me was not affected by his slander :)
>In my case it wasn't. About ten years ago, I was where Craig is - you
>made me foam at the mouth in impotent anger that anyone could be so
>consistently, abysmally, annoyingly, desperately stupid. I even filtered
>you at one point (you and Vic are the only two ever so honoured).
>In the years that followed I've mellowed, and now realise that although
>you are still consistently, abysmally, annoyingly and desperately
>stupid, you are also harmless and unable to help yourself.

I don't think a Minister, a Director General, several Government Agencies, 
a number of Detectives who have had their cases tossed from the Criminal 
Courts and the Department of Public Prosecution feel the same, except for 
perhaps the consistent and unable to help myself.

>It's fun to see how long it takes you, when presented with any new idea
>or significant advance, to claim that you yourself were doing it,
>thought of it or invented it first.

It's interesting to see who broad the Internet has opened the sharing of 
new ideas and developments.  Although invention hasn't been a significant 
part of my life the last ten years.

But there are plenty of local news stories and other things to back up my 
claims, at least in the macro world.

>That you have not claimed fire and the wheel for yourself is, am sure, 
>only an oversight.

That's quite an arrogant statement to make.  I have to admit, when I was 
younger, I discovered, on my own, how to create fire.  I knew about 
matches, but was that the only method?

As to wheels, my mechanics isn't that great I'm afraid.

>I'm sure I'm not the only Linker that gets a quiet chuckle from those, so 
>thank you for lightening the place up a bit.

I try hard, I'm glad you get a giggle.  Life would be just that much duller 
if I wasn't around hey!

>The legislature and the mental health system appear to have decided you
>are no danger to yourself or others, so who am I to argue?

Oh but they haven't.  They specifically say I am a serious danger to myself 
and others.

However there are two faults in their argument.

1.  Who are the others I'm a danger to?  It seems only misfeasnce 
government employees, so acting in their own interest isn't more than 
truthiness, rather than fact.

2.  As to mental health issues, well newton, Einstein and Copernicus were 
all considered mentally ill.  Thank goodness they persisted and people like 
you eventually realised that encouraging and supporting them would change 
the world for the better.

Now if only I could encourage the baby boomers to give up on fossil fuels 
and focus on solar and wind energies, we might yet save Australia!

Karl, are you a baby boomer?

>The world needs harmless loonies.

I mentioned a few.  Shall I mention more?

>If you keep at it, you may finally drive Craig
>over the edge and we'll have another one!

Oh I can't be bothered with CS.  That's just a waste of solar power.

>PS: But Craig is right on one point - you do need to keep your private
>life off Link, it's incomprehensible and boring. Now if you could
>confess to some harmless and amusing fetish, as another prominent Linker
>did a while back to our general startlement, that would be entirely

What like the fact I like sex?

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