[LINK] Digital Culture Talk on Second Life, 14 February 2007, Canberra

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Thu Jan 11 13:27:08 AEDT 2007

I just have to wonder with the complex lives we live today, trying ot keep 
up with ever changing laws, interest rates, increasing rents, water 
shortages, war here, war there, oil prices, bananas and every increasing 
costly MUST HAVE  technology, why ANYONE would want to have a second life 
in a virtual world!

Is it to escape reality?

Will we all soon be attached to computers more so than we are today, 
earning a living in Linden Dollars by pressing buttons on computers and 
making Avtars do the work?

Where will our sustenance come from?  Perhaps the process of having an IV 
line attached to your arm and a bottle at the front door of your ever 
reducing in size home (who needs a yard and space when you can close your 
eyes and think it!) where it will be filled with processed protein and 
glucose fluids pumped to you the way water is today?

Scary huh?

I call it "Faction"

Reality is often stranger than fiction and in this day, it's hard to create 
fiction that hasn't been based on something from the past.  40 years ago, 
SciFi stories specialised in gadgets never before seen.

Now the gadgets are appearing faster than the script writers can think them up!

At 03:14 PM 10/01/2007, Tom Worthington wrote:
>This is in the same series as Vic Elliott's talk on academic publishing 
>>NLA Digital Culture talks:
>>Flying Librarians of Oz: What's the fuss about Second Life and what's it 
>>got to do with libraries?
>>Second Life is an online virtual community created by its residents and 
>>run by Linden Labs. Over two million people have registered: Dell 
>>Computing, Adidas, Harvard Law School and the United States Congress all 
>>have a presence there. ...
>>Kathryn Greenhill, a librarian at Murdoch University Library in Western 
>>Australia, co-ordinates the Australian Libraries Building. She will 
>>provide a guided tour of the Australian Libraries Building and discuss 
>>some of the benefits to librarians of having a Second Life. See 
>>Time: 12.30 to 13.30
>>Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2007
>>Venue: Library Theatre
>>Entry: Free
>>Speaker: Kathryn Greenhill, Librarian, Murdoch University Library, 
>>Western Australia
>>Introduced by Matthew Stuckings, Reader Services Branch, National Library 
>>of Australia
>>Bobby Graham
>>Web Content Manager
>>Web Publishing Branch, IT Division
>>National Library of Australia
>>Tel: +61 2 6262 1542
>Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
>Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
>PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                http://www.tomw.net.au/
>Visiting Fellow, ANU      Blog: http://www.tomw.net.au/blog/atom.xml
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