multi-touch screens [was: Re: [LINK] $100 laptop could sell to public]

Jan Whitaker jwhit at
Tue Jan 16 09:45:49 AEDT 2007

At 08:34 AM 16/01/2007, Ivan Trundle wrote:
>That's exactly why I thought it would be a real asset for vision- 
>impaired: current tactile input devices are not perfect, and
>generally inflexible in function (other than shift/control/option/alt

Are you saying there is some tactile response within the screen? 
Looks like a flat piece of vinyl to me where the information is just 
the visual picture or keyboard. If you can't see them, you can't move them.

>Of course, a voice overlay or some other form of auditory feedback
>would be required to make multi-touch useful, but I see great
>potential here. The fact that you don't have to be precise with
>hitting the right button or key, but rather use gestures, is surely
>an improvement on multi-button devices (and nondescript in function
>unless you know where you're at on the keyboard).

Gestures of what? There has to be a feedback loop of some sort. At 
least with a limited number of keys the user can implement functions. 
I don't look at my keyboard (how many keys?) because I'm a touch 
typist. I just closed y eyes and think I didn't make too many 
mistakes, but I think I'll open them now.  Gee - only missed the m in 
my! If this was a flat panel, I'm sure the error rate would have been 

>ps. How much did the people who produced the movie, Minority Report,
>know of this? 
for a comparison for you.

Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at

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